Sometimes I get so frustrated with all the little bugs and problems that crop up as a seller on eBay (and no, PowerSellers are not immune by any means!) I could just tear my hair out. I am not alone.
Lately, I've been browsing through some of the eBay discussion boards, particularly since the "boycott eBay call" and all the rest of the "uprising" that's been seen since eBay announced and began to implement their latest round of (and many say the worst ever) changes. Apparently, one must be careful what one posts, as several sellers (and buyers) have taken "mandatory 7-day eBay holidays" for posting anti-eBay sentiments on the boards.
But that aside, I went today looking to see if anyone else had had strange feedback calculation errors and, yes, as I had suspected would be the case, they had. Here's what happened to me: I had a feeback score of 1199 and was anticipating rolling another hundred with my next feedback. Well, the next feedback (positive) came in and my total score went down 5 points instead of up one! More feedback came in and still the error--feedback showing 5 fewer than it should.
Someone did report this to eBay and got the anticipated canned response but no answers. And so far, there is no indication that the error is being fixed. I am guessing that, with all the upcoming IT-related changes at eBay over the next several months, this is only the beginning of the errors and programmatic bugs we'll be seeing.
Oh, joy.
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